Welcome to this new blog. I’ve decided that WordPress is so much easier to use than Blogger that I’m transferring all my blogging activities here!  So the first 8 posts on this blog are the archive from katejurygarden designs.blogsppot.com

Just a brief word about this blog, in case you don’t get around to reading the about page….

It’s about sustainability and how it relates to gardening and growing, mostly from a community perspective. It covers allotments, community gardens and public spaces, private gardens and commercial organisation. I’m a professional garden and landscape designer, and work in Oxfordshire and the surrounding area. I also work as a volunteer and trustee at the Barracks Lane Community Garden, and have project managed the construction of their eco-shelter, with green roof and solar panels.  I have an allotment at East Ward Allotment Association in Oxford, and last, and, somewhat least at the moment, my own garden – which I’m in the process of redesigning to be as sustainable as possible (but like so many designers I know, my own garden always seem to come last!).

My posts will be about what interests me, and what I hope will interest you – how to implement simple sustainable projects that enhance public and private spaces, how to combine aesthetics with sustainability, permaculture principles, planting for wildlife, and growing my own vegetables, fruit, and flowers for the house.

I’d love to engage with readers who have similar interests, and will be following and adding links to bogs which write about the same issues and topics. Please comment as often as you can and wish!